My triumph of the day is that I managed singlehandedly to do everything necessary to download the podcasts of several programs into my Zen Micro mp3 player. Considering that I am usually a klutz at all things technical and the fact that this was not a simple process, I am astonished. Now I can listen to NPR's Science Friday and several other shows while walking the Sophabug. For those who have been tempted to dabble in podcasts, I used the free Ipodder software that's currently available. It interfaced with the Zen Micro software just fine. There's a podcasting explosion right now and it's fun to be in on it.
Tomorrow we have lots of fun stuff lined up, partly to distract me from the minor surgery I have coming on Monday. I am so not looking forward. For day surgery, it's going to be a lengthy procedure--well over an hour. Of course, I'll be totally out of it. And, yes, of course, I have a bunch of books lined up for the recovery!