Saturday, May 21, 2005

Played all day. Had fun." This is a direct quote from my first diary, written when I was an eight-year-old. Actually, this is what I wrote every Saturday and every summer day for an entire year. It wasn't until later that I discovered that I could talk about the things that happened to me and my feelings about them.

I'm waxing on about this today because I really played all day and had fun, the first time in eons or so it seems. Ken had a job in Somerville and I tagged along so I could do a bit (well, a lot) of browsing at Porter Square Books, a newish, independent bookstore, owned and managed by the former managers of the Concord Bookshop.

I finally settled on buying Jenna Blum's Those Who Save Us, now in paper. I've had it out of the library twice, and each time I've been unable to get to it in time because of my crazy schedule these past few months. I'm intrigued because Blum interviewed Holocaust survivors for four years for the Shoah Foundation. So, yes, even though the novel deals with the Holocaust era and themes as so many have before, I'm curious to see what she does with the story. Webdelsol has an interview with Blum.


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