Thursday, January 06, 2005

The weather today has been so beastly! Wet snow and a hard, pelting sleet, followed by rain--what a mess. Golden retrievers and dirty slushy roads do not mix. Ugh.

As I scooted around the web this afternoon, I'm reminded of a new book I'd like to sample. Maybe The Family Tree,a first novel by the Welsh-born British writer Carole Cadwalladr, could lighten the gloom around here. I must admit I'm very nervous that the Kirkus review protested, "This is not chick-lit!" Why did the reviewer emphasize that point? Does it read like chick-lit? Does it look like chick-lit? Now I'm more hesitant than I was before I saw that blurb. But the basic plot line intrigues me so. "A tale of a pregnant young woman whose scientist husband questions her genes while she questions nearly everything she knows..." Am I hard up for excitement or is that an interesting premise? I'm on the fence on this one. Publisher's Weekly and Kirkus gave it a starred review, though. It's been out in Britain since August--has anybody read it or heard about it?


Blogger Jen said...

Well, I haven't heard of the book, but the plot sounds similar to The Twilight of the Golds, a movie which I did see and which I liked, mostly because it made me think so much about the issues at hand.

9:41 AM  
Blogger ShellyS said...

Nice blog. Thanks for leaving the link on my blog. :)

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I've read it. (Got an advanced proof copy from a friend). And it's fantastic - moving, funny, intelligent, thought provoking. Part of it is set in the 70's - there's a hilarious accounts of finding the Joy of Sex in her father's sock draw - but it also draws on recent research in the field of genetics.

11:55 AM  
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3:31 AM  

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