Friday, October 17, 2003

My publisher's web designer has told me that the site for Women During the Civil War will be complete sometime early next week. I selected the sample entries yesterday. Now it seems I've misplaced the scrap of paper listing the ones I chose. In any case, I do remember that "Bread Rebellions" was among them, as was "Louisa May Alcott," "Guerrilla War," and "Mary Ann Shadd Cary." The fifth is "Vicksburg," which is about women's experiences during the siege.

Thorough article in this morning's New York Times about the sweeping changes revolutionizing the recording industry. I've grabbed a little bit of time to play with the new Napster, but it was not enough to get beyond the user guide! Things have changed since Pressplay, and I'm trying to be careful navigating Napster so I don't rack up charges inadvertently. I will give a complete review when I have finally figured everything out. One thing I have noticed: some tracks unavailable on Pressplay are present on Napster.

View of the marsh from my bedroom window on Columbus Day. Colors slightly past peak.


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